Monday, June 16, 2008

If I Could Turn Back Time ...

June 16, 2008 0 Comments

"Siapa mba?"

"Aku kak?"

"BUMB" - pintu ditutup dengan kerasnya

(Langsung bergegas buka tas, ambil gunting, ambil kotak, masukin semua barang.
Lem, telphone taksi- SEGERA!!!)


"BUMB" - pintu kamar ditutup dengan kerasnya.

(terdengar suara sayup2 dari kamar...."dasar anak tak tahu diri berani benar dia datang...")

-taksi datang-

"Mba bilang yach, aku pergi ke ibu ya, titip salam sama bapak."
"Jaga bapak baik2 yach, siapin makannya, masakain obatnya tiap hari."
"Kasih kabar ke saya, kalau ada apa2 sama bapak, kamu bisa hubungi saya disini"

"Iya non...."

"Siang pak..."
"Arah Kuningan yach pak!"

(Then I cried)
(She never changed)
(Not even a single words, shout from her mouth or even words to start the conversation)
(Almost half year...and there's still no solution)

Dear God in Heaven.
I really...really tired.
Hold me, and please never let me go.
I only have You as mine now.

May I be with you God?
-silly question-
-still have a lot of things to do here, dearest Jo-
-still long journey until you find, what exactly you want in live-